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It has also been equipped with the Timeline Motion editor with which you can create motion tweens plus you can also create natural motion for the character animation by using inverse kinematics.Īll in all Adobe Flash Professional CS6 for Mac is an imposing application which is used for creating immersive websites and applications for websites and mobile devices. You can also now lock inverse kinematics bones to the stage and set the stage level movement restrictions to the selected bones. It also has got enhanced copying and pasting of layers, streamlined publishing and document settings. It has also included expanded platform as well as device support and automatic content scaling for different screen sizes. It also enables you to manage FLA project files that target various different devices and to create applications that run the same on all platforms. Adobe Flash Professional CS6 for Mac offers advanced text engine and animation tools which employ the inverse kinematics and industry leading drawing tools. This application delivers the video to the web, TV tablets and smartphones.